Traductor (Translator)

dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009

Sidi Bou Said

DSC_0055 Aquarel·la 30 x 20

Sidi Bou Said, població tunisína, prop del Mediterrani, que es caracteritza pel color blau intensíssim amb que estan pintats tots els elements de fusta (portes, finestres, reixes, ràfecs de teulada, gelosies de fusta molt comuns a tota Tunísia, etc.)

6 comentaris:


Gostei demais esta aquarela; gostaria muito pintar assim. I like this very much and would like to learn to paint like this. By the way, what language is your blog written in. Is it Italian?

Julio Rodrigues ha dit...

No hablo catalan ou espanol...perdona los erros...todavia tus trabajos son fantasticos!

Your work is fantastic. I will keep visiting so I can learn more.

RobCarey ha dit...

I too, really enjoy this piece. The person climbing the steps adds so much to the steepness and perspective. You have added just enough details and color.

rafael pujals ha dit...

No Waterbaby, my language is not italian, it is CATALÀ, I'm from Badalona near to Barcelona (Catalonia). Is a beautiful language, with a large and very good literature, so ancient as SPANISH.
Salute and thank you for the commentary.

joshemari ha dit...

Hola Rafael.
Nos hemos visto esta mañana y ya te he dicho que esta acuarela me ha gustado.
Ahora te confirmo por escrito: ME GUSTA ESTA ACUARELA!
Es sencilla y tiene toda la luz que requiere ese ambiente.

rafael pujals ha dit...

Thank you, muchas gracias a todos, Waterbaby Christine, Villager, Rob Carey, Josemari. Sois demasiado amables.